Workshop prep and more postcards
This week Ryan and I met to discuss the designed postcards and to go over the plans for the company's workshop. This week was pretty hectic with planning, organizing, and a bunch of emails. On top of all of this , I was really busy with school work and extracurriculars. I learned a lot about time management and communication tips throughout this week. The first order of business was to discuss were the postcards I had previously designed for print. Besides changing a few of the wording on the back and adding ticket prices, the company shared my enjoyment of how the cards turned out. I now needed to email the print company and hopefully, they will be able to turn around the cards in a day so we can hand them out at the workshop. Before emailing the print shop the final PDF print file, I was a little skeptical. I knew there weren't any grammatical errors; I was worried if I had set up the document correctly. If you’ve been following my blog at all, you know ...