
Showing posts from March, 2018

Workshop prep and more postcards

This week Ryan and I met to discuss the designed postcards and to go over the plans for the company's workshop. This week was pretty hectic with planning, organizing, and a bunch of emails. On top of all of this , I was really busy with school work and extracurriculars. I learned a lot about time management and communication tips throughout this week. The first order of business was to discuss were the postcards I had previously designed for print. Besides changing a few of the wording on the back and adding ticket prices, the company shared my enjoyment of how the cards turned out. I now needed to email the print company and hopefully, they will  be able to turn around the cards in a day so we can hand them out at the workshop. Before emailing the  print shop the final PDF print file, I was a little skeptical. I knew there weren't any grammatical errors; I was worried if I had set up the document correctly. If you’ve been following my blog at all, you know ...

People still use postcards?

The majority of donors and people interested in coming to Quarry Theatre shows are in the 25+ demographic. Even with social media being a big part of marketing nowadays, these consumers still appreciate mailed letters and printed flyers. For this reason, we decided to create postcards with the information for ‘Meditation on Nationalism’ on them. These could be used in so many different ways to get people interested in the show. One way we will use the postcards are for their intended purpose; mail them. We have a small list of donors who love to be kept in the loop and possibly will donate again further down the road. The postcards are also a convenient size to hand out in bars, restaurants, events, and to passing people. Since I was going to be submitting this project to a print shop in Baltimore (Print Work), I needed to set up my document with the correct crop marks for the printer. We wanted the cards to be 4in x 6in, I set the crop marks for a bleed of .25in outs...