Behind the Curtain

Trying to bring attention to the upcoming production of ‘Meditations on Nationalism’ I had an idea.
Quarry Theatre’s audience is very interested in what goes into making the show happen. They have
this innocent fascination with the process of devised theatre. Since everything is pretty much created
from nothing, I understand their interest.

If you are unfamiliar with devised theatre, essentially it is a live performance, usually a play, that is
‘conceived’ or created from nothing. Usually, it is created by the actors, director, designers or a
collaboration between them all. I decided to create a sort of ‘mini-series’ focusing on different members
of the company and ensemble. We chose the first video to feature Quarry Theatre’s resident composer,
Patrick, who did the composition and sound design for ‘Meditations on Nationalism.’

Recently, Quarry Theatre posted an image on Facebook featuring Patrick recording live musicians to
be used for the show. The post had a lot of interactions and views from old friends and some new.
Having a large following of musicians, music teachers, and artists, we would benefit from highlighting
Patrick's work.

After coming up with this idea, I pitched it to the company members. They really liked the idea and the
reasoning behind it was solid. I had to come up with a title, name -- what do we call this thing? Then I
got. Quarry Theatre, “Behind the Curtain.”

When interviewing Patrick on camera I used the same method that I used for filming Ryan’s video
early this semester. I created a list of 12 questions to prompt Patrick with. Using these questions and
a rough outline of what the final video would look like I began to craft the story. I asked Patrick detailed
questions and vague one. I asked him to repeat some answers a few times and a few different ways
so I could craft the perfect video for marketing.

After the interview was over I headed straight for my computer. The first thing I wanted to do was
create an intro for this ‘behind the curtain’ project that could be used for every different video we make.
Trying to keep a consistent brand presence across different social channels is very important to the
growth of Quarry Theatre. I used the company’s logo and incorporated the sleek black & white design
that has been used thus far.

Once the video was finished it was shared with the Artistic Director for him to sign off on it. After a few
minor edits to the video, it was good to go. We would plan on sharing the video on Facebook and
our website when it got earlier to the opening of ‘Meditations on Nationalism.’


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