Gimme the most info in the shortest time

We all know the saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words”...but what about videos? Long-time video
advertiser Robert Weiss says that “Business decision makers LOVE online video because it gives them
the most amount of information in the shortest amount of time.” We wanted to explain what the production
of ‘Meditations on Nationalism’ is, solicit donations, and interest people in Quarry Theatre. All of that in
a video no longer than 1 minute 45 seconds.

I’ve always loved creating and editing videos since I was a kid. Once I came to college, I started to
recognize the possibilities and benefits of video for advertisement purposes. With an organization like
Quarry Theatre, people really want to see what is going to be performed before they go. This is exactly
why movie trailers exist. So I was tasked with creating a video that will entice prospective patrons and
get interested in the show.

The first step in this process was to interview the Artistic Director, Ryan Clark, about the show. He was
the best option to interview because he is the head of Quarry Theatre, and he is the one who
directed/conceived the play. I came up with a list of 10 questions to prompt Ryan during our on-camera
interview. I only ended up asking him 6 of the 10 questions I had prepared but I wanted to make sure I
had enough. After the interview in the editing room is where the magic happened.

I was shared and given permission by Quarry Theatre’s Composer to use a track he created for the
show as background music for the interview. Initially, I edited the interview down so there were no
longer and pauses or breaks where you could hear me asking Ryan the Questions. After that step,
the clip was practically cut in half. But, it was still over 6 minutes long. The next step is personally my
favorite part of video editing; creating the story.

I knew a rough layout for how I wanted the video to flow together, so I started moving the clips around
to fit that plan. After I had a rough layout of the interview, I brought in the music track. This pretty much
gave me a solid vision for the rest of the interview. The music really shaped the story in this film.

I finished the project by overlaying B-roll that I filmed during a rehearsal of the project. This B-roll is
really where viewers can get a sneak-peak at what the show has to offer. We ended up sharing the
video on Facebook and got a crazy good amount of interactions. More than a quarter of our liked
users interacted in some way with the video’s post. I’m very happy with how this film turned out,
and I hope it will increase donors for Quarry Theatre in the future.


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